About Us
About HCF Church
The constitution of our Telugu church roots itself in the Bible. Our church operates as an independent charitable organization. We firmly believe that the Bible reveals God’s magnificent plan of redemption for all humanity.
Through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, He forgives our sins. He willingly took upon Himself the punishment we deserved, providing a way for sinful individuals to be saved by placing their faith in the completed work of His Son on the Cross at Telugu Church in Hounslow and Reading.
According to 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
1 John 1:9
Once someone accepts Christ as their Lord and Saviour, we encourage them to be baptized in water. This act symbolizes their commitment to the Lord and signifies their new life in Him. we expect to witness certain transformations in the life of a new believer.
- We emphasize the importance of loving Lord Jesus, who loved us first (1 John 4:19). This love should extend to our fellow believers, fostering a sense of unity and community among us. Secondly, we emphasize understanding and submitting to the Lordship, Kingship, and Headship of Jesus Christ in one’s life. This entails obedience to His teachings and a desire to follow God’s Word, the Bible.
- Furthermore, we encourage believers to cultivate a desire for prayer. We recommend setting aside specific times throughout the day for prayer, such as morning, midday, and evening (Psalms 55:17, Daniel 6:10). The morning quiet time is particularly significant, as it allows believers to dedicate at least an hour, preferably on their knees, to prayer and Bible reading before commencing their day (Psalms 63:1, Mark 1:35, Psalms 5:3). Worshiping the Lord is also crucial.
- It is essential to have a deep desire for the Word of God, the Bible, as it is written, “Man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). We strongly encourage believers to read the Bible in its entirety at least once a year, approaching it with prayerful reverence, even reading it on their knees.
- Living a life of separation from the world is crucial. As mentioned in John 2:15, “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.” This separation should be evident in various aspects of one’s life, including the company they keep, their speech, their attire, and their overall way of living.
- It is our responsibility to be witnesses of God’s salvation in Christ, both in our words and actions. Before ascending to His Father, the Lord Jesus Himself declared, “You are witnesses of these things” (Luke 24:48). In Acts 4:20, it is written, “We cannot help speaking about what Telugu church in Hounslow have seen and heard.” We encourage believers to begin sharing their faith from the moment they are saved, as this will cultivate boldness in being witnesses for Christ.
- Having fellowship with God and fellow believers is of utmost importance. This fellowship should align with the principles outlined in Acts 2:42, which emphasizes steadfastness in the apostles’ doctrine (Bible study), fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayers. Believers should not limit their fellowship to the Lord’s Day alone but should also gather during the week for prayer and Bible study. During every Lord’s Day gathering, we partake in the breaking of bread, urging all believers to examine their hearts and participate worthily. Neglecting the House of God can lead to spiritual weakness, as Hebrews 10:25 warns against forsaking the assembly of believers.
Telugu church in Hounslow cordially extend our invitation to you to partake in our fellowship and experience the abundant blessings of God’s House alongside us. As the Psalmist joyfully proclaimed, “I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the House of the LORD“; (Psalms 122:1).
In a spirit of warmth and inclusivity, we invite you to join us in the sacred space of God’s House, where we gather to worship, seek spiritual nourishment, and foster meaningful connections. HCF is dedicated to embracing individuals from all walks of life, fostering a sense of belonging and unity.
At our fellowship, you will have the opportunity to engage in uplifting worship service, where we celebrate the divine presence and seek guidance for our lives. Through heartfelt prayers, inspiring sermons, and soul-stirring music, we aim to create an atmosphere that nurtures spiritual growth and deepens our connection with God.